
Bible Memory Verse for the week of March 9th, “And the angel of the LORD said to him, ‘Why do you ask my name, seeing it is wonderful?’” Judges 13:18

Ladies, last Sunday to sign up for the retreat is March 9th! 

Youth, 7th and up!  Save the date of March 23rd for a youth party at the Fanning’s house after the 2 p.m. prayer time.  We’ll play games and take up money for pizza. 

It’s time for our annual diaper drive for Mend Pregnancy Center.  We’ll be collecting diapers until March 30th.  Diaper wipes are always welcome as well and any size diapers although sizes 4, 5, and 6 are usually the most needed. You can also pick up a prayer guide for the mothers and fathers that are using the services of Mend. 

There is a sign up in the foyer for volunteers for the creation conference.  We need a few to assist at the resource table and a few to help circulate information during the service.  You will be given more details after signing up.  You need to be available before and after the conference begins as well. 

See the flyer in the foyer with details about the Creation Conference March 29th and 30th.

If you would like a physical CD of the sermon, you can fill out a CD request form that you will find by the prayer list and put in the offering box. 


3/12     Demons are Angels who Have Sinned-2 Peter 2:4

3/19     The Angel of the Lord-Judges 13:18

3/26    Satan Seeks to Deceive and Devour-1 Peter 5:8

4/2      Christians Stand Against Spiritual Forces-Eph. 6:13

4/9      Review and Build Your own Ice cream Sundaes!

4/16    Jesus Will Rescue Christians From Wrath-1 Thess. 4:17

4/23    God Will Pour Out His Wrath-Rev. 6:17

4/30    Jesus Will Reign for a Thousand Years-Rev. 20:6 

5/7      COOKIE NIGHT/ All Sinners Will be Judged-Rev. 20:12

5/14   Heaven and Hell-John 3:16

5/21   Review and activity date to be determined for those students who said 75% of their verses for the year. 

Each student (no matter the age) that says 75% of the verses for the year will get to participate in some kind of outing at the end of the school year. (That means they can only miss 8 verses for the year.)